Jake Chen

Jake Chen, Ph.D.

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics
and Data Science

Director, Systems Pharmacology AI Research Center (SPARC)

Swathi Thaker

Swathi Thaker, Ph.D.

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Program Operations Manager
Systems Pharmacology AI Research Center (SPARC)

We are dedicated to driving the success of the Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE) through innovative and impactful initiatives. We will focus on efficient operations, transparent communication, and continuous improvement in team science practices to revolutionize biomedical research.

By developing comprehensive operation guidelines and engagement protocols, we will help to ensure seamless integration and coordination within the CFDE, fostering effective collaboration and maximizing research impact.

We will work to:

  • Develop comprehensive CONNECT ICC operation guidelines and protocols following team science principles and CFDE stakeholder inputs
  • Foster efficient management of discussions and task development across CFDE-participating stakeholders with an agile online team project management system.
  • Develop a communication system to enable effective information exchange and continuous reporting updates to CF program project leaders and CFDE stakeholders.
  • Promote continuous improvement of team science practices with coordinated community engagement efforts among all CONNECT cores, CF programs, and CFDE stakeholders.